Why do we need virtual sex, if there are partners in real life? Are such intimate relationships a supply? These questions often arise in forums. What is Wirth, is it good or bad when this concept is used and what kind does this intimacy give? Is it a deviation from reality?
What is Wirth?
What does “Virtual” mean? This is a decrease from the concept of “virtual” communication online. We do not talk about email or social networking, discussing business or work topics. This term is used to describe conversations of a sexual plan or sex on the Internet via correspondence. There are also special Wirt chats, where you can anonymously access a partner. Those who have tried this kind of intimacy, note that this is a great way to disconnect real problems. With the hentai games the options are there now.
Virtual sex – psychology
In terms of virtual gender, opinions of psychologists are divided, but most consider it not a bad thing to do. So far, there are three positions that gender in virtual reality is a form:
Infidelity in modern interpretation
- A addiction that can enter a nervous division.
- Self-satisfaction resembles masturbation.
Many confuse Wirth’s sex with watching pornography, but the latter is more related to sexual fantasies. Wirth is one of the characteristics of sexuality, until a person gets taken away by this, forgetting real relationships. Some men try to avoid treason for a constant partner in real life. There is no general opinion about the norm, but all psychologists agree that virtual sex more often than once a week is an alarming sign of mental ill health.
Virtual sex – is it betrayal?
Experts classify 5 behaviors when a person prefers virtual sex to a real action:
- Mutual Wirth is practiced for fun, without excitement, while there are real intimate relationships.
- Intimacy online becomes addicted.
- Pathology, until the departure of relationships with loved ones.
- The search for salvation from reality.
Psychologists believe that sex on the Internet is a hobby if one person:
- controls his life:
- have a family, work, hobbies;
- watching his appearance;
- clearly limits the time of intimate meetings online.
Is virtual sex a betrayal? This question is posed today by men and women. According to psychologists, if this type of intimate becomes an addiction, down to pathology, then – yes, it can be considered adultery. If these are temporary cases, they are defined as an unusual experience in an intimate life, many of which help create relationships with a real partner.
Wirth is bad or good?
Often, fans of virtual sex give birth – teenagers or adolescents who play hormones, and find a partner no lack of experience or shyness in communication. This hobby goes on over time when real partners are displayed. Complicated with older people, participants from this contingent are those who have family problems or fail in marriage. Maintaining in the virtual, such participants leave themselves from the solution of the real life problem, and this can lead to irreversible health effects, both physical and mental.